11 June 2009

This girl has some big ideas!

Going back to school is the newest one. What a round-about way to get things done!
This picture was taken at the Borax Museum in Boron, CA about 2006 when my sister and I took at trip to Las Vegas for the Antiques Road Show and to visit with our aunties (No, we did not end up having anything worth thousands of dollars!). Borax mining is a big deal and do you know why? Borax is not just for killing cockroaches! Borax is an ingredient in almost every household product made that people use on a daily basis. It's even in surfboards!

30 May 2009

Great Sayings from Harris' Farmer's Almanac 2008

Spend your time preparing and preventing rather that repairing and repenting.

A chip on the shoulder indicates there is wood higher up.

The biggest block to many a man's [person's] success is his [her] head.

There's a fine line between courage and foolishness. Too bad it's not a fence.

The only reason that some people get lost in thought is because it is unfamiliar territory.

When all is said and done, more is said than done.

It's a bit froggy outside today.

Picture taken in Malibu Creek State Park with LG camera-phone so resolution is not the best, but try to find the little frog who is well-camoflauged in its leaf-litter surroundings.

(Design, Divine, or Clementine?)

Adamson Home in Malibu

Green man appears to be quite happy here and, as legend would have it be, he has protected the beautiful property so that it is preserved for all to visually enjoy for a long time to come. Apparently the inhabitants washed their dogs in the outdoor bathtub. What a life it would have been for dog, human, and plant living here!

08 May 2009

The Purples and Yellows of the Santa Monica Mountains

Purple is a color on the cool side of the spectrum. In auras and in history purple is a color of royalty. Yellow is a color on the warm side of the spectrum.
In auras it represents happiness and joy. It is the original color of the "happy face". Notice how the California state flower of the poppy is spearing itself. We were hiking at the Upper Zuma Canyon trail--part of the Backbone Trail--and went to the waterfalls which is where we saw flowers one and four. The first photo is a blue larkspur of the genus delphinium. The species is unidentified as of yet. Second photo is Collarless California Poppy (Eschscholzia caespitosa). Third photo is Parry's Phacelia (Phacelia parryi). Fourth photo is Creek Monkey Flower (Mimulus guttatas).

Dog Day Afternoon

Here is a poem I wrote after after an upsetting event on the freeway while I was going to my work in telecommunications one day, 30 December 2008. I wrote it when I finally got to my desk and had to plug into the expectations of the rest of the workday:

T1 channel twenty-one
1452 Columbus sailed the ocean blue
Boy, has At&T got a blackberry for you
"I see big errors"
Don't you see them too?
Or do you care if it's even true?
Too many lanes on the freeway there
Cross connected to a VT1 erred
Tell me what else has been done
If all the lanes run into one
An aqua towel to pick up aqua
Is it enough to dry your eyes?
Yes, those are my eyes crying
Tears from when I saw there lying
God's creature taking it while dying.

15 March 2009

Nothing compares to camping out in the desert. The air is fresh. There is no one else around. There is no pollution. The sky is blue. You can hike up to a saddle past cholla cactus to junipers and then see down to the next canyon over and all the way out past the highway.